Thursday 16 October 2008

The Day I Realised Something Important

It would have made more sense if you’d died.

Not that I wanted you to. Obviously. But it would have made more sense, you know? I mean, just ‘cause you’re high, doesn’t mean you can fly. And we were on the third floor. Do you remember when you said you were going to do it? I was the only one that wasn’t stoned, and I was all, ‘oh my god, you’re shitting me.’ Like that time you sailed downtown in a shopping cart. Sometimes I think you’re like totally, Britney Spears crazy.

I know you do it all to impress Sasha, but, and I don’t know if I should tell you this, she’ll never go out with you. She told me last week after Math class that she’s going to go out with Nathan Knight, who is a complete a-hole. They’re going to Paradise Point tonight. I was like, ‘That’s a make out joint, Sasha,’ and she’s all, ‘We’re not in seventh grade, Katherine. Anyway, you’re a hypocrite. You let Christian finger you in the locker room.’

Sometimes I wonder why I’m friends with Sasha. And I don’t know why you think she’s hot. She can be a Grade A bitch, and, actually, I never let Christian do that to me. He always had dirt under his nails. And his asthma was totally distracting. Plus, I’d never let anyone do that to me in a locker room. But sometimes I say stuff ‘cause it’s totally hard being the only V in a school full of sluts, you know? I guess you don’t. I don’t think it’s the same for boys. And I don’t really know what I’m saying to you, but the nurse said to keep talking. So, like, anyway, I was wondering, can you feel me holding your hand?